Thursday, December 17, 2009

do you know what's the most horrible thing about waking up today?
that i got separated from dreamland
i dont know if i should call it a sweet dream,
or a beautiful nightmare
it's one that i hoped was still around
the way i got up,
the way i felt my eyes were when i woke up
it felt as though i cried to myself when i was still sleeping
what a joke?
i wish i could say that
but i cant
i wish it was still around
but reality is opposite from dreams
i've never dream a vision of the future
i dream about the opposite of reality

Thursday, December 3, 2009

i wanted to blog something online
on facebook
but i think i'll be whacked and cursed by dozens of people
or maybe more
but it's just something i've been observing for awhile
actually i've been mentioning to quite a number of people
it's the season for break ups
i've seen a lot happening
i've seen people getting hurt
whether it's long or short
perfect or wrong from the start

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

i was just thinking about something
like how artist paints, writer writes
people call them talents
after that, there are people in which who cant do any of this
then what are they known to the world?
just normal
nothing special of them
why is it that the world classifies them as such?
people became known for their talent because it is based on the intensity of their work
i'd like to think of it as people with 'talents'
are basically people who are more in tune to the creative part of the brain
for the 'normal' people, it's not they can or cannot write, draw or create
i would say they are just not in tune with their creative side
imagine picking up an instrument on the first day of band practice
you have an idea on what you want to pick as your instrument
but in terms of which instruments you suit depends on your lip structure and everything
but if doesnt mean you cant play some other instrument
it's just harder and you have to spend more time at it
just coz you're not that in tune with it
on top of that the more your learn to love your instrument,
the better you keep her in check and stuff

i dont really see myself as being able to write well
but going through my past entries
and knowing what brought me to write those
but i didnt harp on the issue
i just realise how emotions and experience brought me to write those
and how that has evolved my writing
and sharing my emotions
after not blogging in months,
going through the archives reminds me of things
trying not to think about things
rather i noticed my style of writing
i see more poetry in me then rather then now
not to say that i dont like it now
it's just that i didnt know i can write and seem to be proud of it
rhythm, writing, literature
give me some time again
i want to try starting again
the writing i mean
let's have fun writing.
back soon