Thursday, January 22, 2009

do you know what is seriously annoying?
the fact that an ill tempered and easily emotional person
has to take other people's ill temper
when all the initial person was listening
to what happened around the second person's life
in short
here i am trying to ask hows life to someone
and that person blew everything on me
as though i am not trying to help
the chosen speech pattern was vulgar
and all i said was mind your language
at this hour
and a new me
i didnt blow back
and of course still it doesnt mean that i wont feel like boiling
coz apparently i'm rather annoyed with it
so much for being nice

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

i found replacement for work today
i had loads to do
spring cleaning in the morning
rush down to town to meet jia yan in the early afternoon
went there to purchase royal jelly
had lunch at diners with jia yan and xing yue
the steak was a little too over done
but oh well
went to meet brenda and azimah to get some stuff
after that i went back home
brought rasQ out to the field to run
then shower
and here i am again

illusion of the heart?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

went back to the chalet today
left su pauline sara and sara's friend
i met von and sandy at the shuttle bus pick up point
after that we waited for the 6 pm shuttle bus
but it didnt come
so yeah
ended up waiting for glenn
then we cabbed over
reach there just in time to see the girls have dinner
after that we spend our time playing cards
poker and dai di
dai di penalty- push ups
poker penalty- water drinking
gerald popped by at 9 plus
went for dinner at the bowling alley
after that we took the last shuttle out of the place
stopped at admiralty for more talks
and he left at 12 to go home
i need to go snooze soon

i dont believe in you anymore

Monday, January 19, 2009

went to su's chalet yesterday
the place so ulu
i didnt get my chance to sit by the beach
and just enjoy the stars
i miss that
anyway had steamboat yesterday
plus a late birthday celebration for su
i totally didnt take any photo
got some only
so go face book to check
after the whole cake and sing song celebration
we went out to the beach to have some water bomb
and sabo fest for su
eggs and chocolate
oh i forgot to mention
brave su consumed chocolate voluntarily
after that had the whole throw into the pool session
left the place with brenda at 3 plus

i saw an unfamiliar face in the crowd
give me a good reason to accept the invitation

Saturday, January 17, 2009

maybe i'm feeling stress
an hour time difference and
bham, wham, feel like shit
i think is the fyp
atleast i had distraction early
and my brain was just telling me
presentation is tomorrow
an hour later
and i'm feeling like shitting
maybe coz i know that i no longer can say fyp is tomorrow
rather fyp is when i wake up
i guess because of that
i dont even want to sleep now
count down
10 hours plus

when i felt like that
i wanted to talk to you
i dont care what is the topic
i just needed to calm down
stupid request

Friday, January 16, 2009

i just realise
i have a tendency to write from bottom up
in a way
my thoughts first
then my entry
i realise my blogging has gotten lively-er
in tone
but does it mean i'm back
let's see how long it last
coz i dont think i'm back
no school today
another day at home
i'm leaving home soon
but i should get some stuff done first

i wonder
how long would it take to realise
unless it is published
how long will it take to realise
if it is hidden
how long before it is realised
that it's gone

Thursday, January 15, 2009

in class now
dont know what to say
stoning at times
actually stoning all the way
thank goodness i didnt say yes to ken for sunday
i'm going out for shooting
i dont know
thought of spending time with rasQ
oh well
i'm stoning

a mistake
useless conversation

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

i'm lazy to plug my phone to my laptop
oh well
spend the whole day at home
reading comics
doing nothing
watching tv
learning the guitar
oh my right?
today was totally uneventful
think i'll go wash clothes
and give rasQ a shower
fold some clothes
and go sleep
having school tomorrow

someone ask me today
do i have any one i hate?
my answer?
hate? no
dislike, yes
but come to think about it, i just pity that person

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

went to the airport yesterday
i was there at 1030
like wow
at night anyway
went to send yan yan off
nothing much to say
maybe i should let the visuals do the talking
once i uploaded them
should be later or tomorrow
sneezing now
lack of sleep
tc drove us home
thanks (:

i saw a familiar face in the crowd
looking at me but i dont know why
the face tells me that i'm not proud
because after all this while we didnt say hi

it feels like a nightmare to you of slow pace
that i was the one smiling
and you were feeling so out of place
feeling so out from any talking

maybe i'm wrong thinking this way
knowing how off my intuition is
the again maybe i dont deserve to be thinking this way
disrupting my life of peace

thought of taking a step forward
based on what i heard
but i fear the pain that would hollar
right into the core or the heart

tell me what to do

Monday, January 12, 2009

woke up at 12
was late in meeting michelle for retail
sorry ):
anyway thanks for accompanying me (:
and also tolerating with my nonsence shopping
and also gave me advices on my
i manage to get some shopping done
got a jacket
my black one is fading
got 2 polos
a pair of shorts
a pair of shoes
a top
i'm still short of slippers
and berms
and some tops
but it's okay
get it done some other time
atleast now i have something new to wear
was late in meeting the rest for dinner with jin yan at newton
ordered a lot
totally forgot about visuals here
but the after dinner activity there was
so i'll just let the visuals tell the story
more with mj

Sunday, January 11, 2009

woke up at 12
rot till 445
and went out to bugis
third day there
was quite a slam compared to yesterday
better but not the best
due to smaller space
it seems to have given me a headache
i'll get used to it
just that i wonder how much i need to hit 500
it's like never
went for supper with glenn
and went home after that
having green tea while blogging now
sleep later

it's no longer because it's not the words
it's no longer because it's the delivery
but it's just to
fake a smile to see the world round

Saturday, January 10, 2009

woke up at 11 ish 12
decided to cook spagetti
since i already bought the items
and i cant cook the sauce
it taste awful
should just do aglio olio
wash clothes
ate lunch while waiting for the washing machine
watched some tv too
had ut
so showered and hung the clothes before 330
rush to school for ut
did it on paper
rush of to work
i ended up early
went kino to find eclipse
it was sold out
work was okay
but i still miss the old one
after work went supper with glenn and sandy
had a long chat
cabbed home after that
my pay today went to the ride home
i showered and i'm going to sleep soon

fake a smile to see the world round

Friday, January 9, 2009

went to work
it was boring at first
covered 3 stations today
which is technically a huge no no in my opinion
cashier host and wait a
funnie combination
going to try again soon

in the middle of the night
not even the sound of my mind thinking
i dont want to hear you
i read things
due to curiosity of the heart
and i can hear the mind thinking
i dont like it
i like to be brain dead
not thinking
not me
not alive
sleep is where i go now

Thursday, January 8, 2009

think not
leave now
i'm going
class ended
dont feel like staying
i'll email david my rj
go bugis walk awhile
maybe check out the bookstore
see if i can find the book i want
do the rj tomorrow
hopefully tonight is a good night
going going gone

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

count down to yan yan's farewell dinner
4 days
looking forward for the gathering
since it is meant for yan yan
didnt do anything today
went out at 4
purpose is to collect my pot from jun li
dropped by to see if popular has eclipse and breaking dawn
went to get rasQ more treats
did some groccery shopping
nick just called
i'm to be at bugis at 530 instead
tomorrow first day of work
new place
new staff
new style
i'm going retail therapy on sunday
need to get some stuff
thanks michelle
second day of school
i didnt meet up with michelle to come school this morning
i'm still sick
cold all day
i slept during break and after school while waiting for michelle and jin yan
had lunch with norman mj jin yan
walked to causeway point with norman jin yan and michelle
came home to cook dinner
then slept/ napped
from 8 to 11
everytime i wake up
i'll continue sneezing again
i shall go back to sleep

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

let me do this once more
once more in 2009
and this is the end
i hate you to the core
till the ends of the world
i hope this ends
i want to get out
because if this i how you treat friends, i rather not

Sunday, January 4, 2009

new year resolution
i dont think i wanna fill much on this
coz i've never been much of a follow the schedule kind of person
so i'll make mine simple

i just wanna be happy