Monday, March 30, 2009

havent been blogging in awhile
turning my life around a little
atleast during the last weekends
which was quite a change for once
had the right meals
and the right sleep
turn out on friday was good
like it
saturday was good too
went www with junli, her cousins and yL
stayed over for chalet
mj came along too
we went to my favourite place to see stars
lovely stars
i miss it
sunday was all jumbled up
in terms of sleep
oh well
it's fine with me

i miss hogging the phone
i feel like a fool
thanks a lot

Monday, March 23, 2009

i caught a glimpse of your shadow today
maybe it's more then a glimpse
it's the type where i'm afraid
and i refuse to open pandora's box
ever again
not even if you ask and beg

i think at the end i'm still afraid of one thing
i dont want to be alone anymore
i need to learn to walk alone
in this lonely road

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

spend the day recovering from yesterday's ubin trip
but i shall rewind
and blog from saturday onwards
i tried working on saturday
it turns out that the job i thought it was wasnt what i thought it was
and on top of that, it was what i didnt want to do at all
omg, no way!
so i left early
went to ny to wait for jasmine
headed down to the it fair
i so wanted to get an mp3
an external hard disc
another laptop
so many things
no kah-ching to buy
anyway we had new york new york for dinner
after that went to the fountain to talk even more
after that we took the train home
i totally zonked out in the train all the way home
i was so tired by the time i reach home
i just showered and sleep
i totally forgot to set my alarm
i nearly overslept on sunday if jasmine hadnt called
sunday the big day, ubin!!!
took the bus to meet the ny crew at tampines
i wasnt the latest though i overslept
ah boi, glenn, su, anna and sara was there
then came siew chin and jasmine
after that was sandy, yvonne, pauline, herrsong and his friend, brenda arrived
the best thing was yvonne and the prank we did
shall elaborate another day if not she'll kill me
we met paul at changi village for lunch
headed in after that
and it started raining after out lunch
oh well
rain or shine, tsunami or not, we go, no plan B xD
anyway we went to the mountain bike park trail initially
it started raining
and we kinda made a temporary shelter by the lake
smart arent we
after a while
finally realising that the rain wont end that fast
we decided to cycle in the rain
and we did
laughing, laming, chatting all the way
went over for seafood after we headed back
went to cycle the chek jawa trail after seafood
nice view, nice walk, nice weather
headed back to the jetty
yvonne had a little bike problem
so at the end we had a little switching and helping
after that, we quickly returned the bike
coz we had to take the last boat back
oh well
all of us went home after that
more photos to upload soon
most of them are with jasmine and anna
gonna get them from fb (:
really hope you guys had fun
though i'm not a very good organizer ):

Friday, March 13, 2009

first day and i already overslept
worse of all
i had a nightmare
i dont know why you have to be in it
nor do i know why you had to make it a nightmare
nor do i know why you even bother to make an appearance in my life
i can seriously sit here and cry
damn it
i already called my manager
ans she let me start on monday
but i'm still stunned by your appearance
and it's my dream
so why even in my dream
you had to make it a nightmare

Thursday, March 12, 2009

sometimes i just feeling migrating?
just freaking start a new life
at a foreign country
find new life
new strangers
making new friends
and basically just away from things that ruins my life
sounds good?
i need a break from it all
i'm starting something new on friday
wish me all the best for it
i wont break this like how i break everything else
i think
i hope
i wish
i'm going to bed now
blog more when i'm up

Saturday, March 7, 2009

it's been good
yesterday i think
i was finally for once dead beat at 1 shift at work
sort of anyway
we had a good chat
and we understand each other's point of view
give or take
and we'll do it better (:
going to work later too
dinner before that
hope it's not a boring night

i dont even know why you bother to message
saying it's not that
it's not this
but apparently it is
coz as usual
you stopped as usual
after you find out what you want
you are such a liar

Friday, March 6, 2009

woke up for breakfast with deb, wenqi and her friend this morning at mac
those three came from club hopping
deb was hyper as usual
the other two was puking or trying to puke
anyway we had chats and breakfast together
or atleast for some two people
puking and not puking xD
after they went home
i headed home to snooze as well
woke up around 2 ish
and had a call from jasmine
about my cheque arrival
and banking coz jasmine offered to help bank it in
with the request of a good friend sandy
i made an unwanted call
which had no pick up
which is good enough for me
since my good friends then said nevermind
went for dinner with cs and jy (:
had swensens
then went to catch he's just not that into you
nice show (:
nice show

Thursday, March 5, 2009

curiousity kills the cat
a famous saying
an experienced factor
a usual feeling

what happens when you cant embrace it,
and you cant ignore it?

what if you make a mistake again,
and again,
and again?

what if you lived happily,
and it came back to haunt you again?
what does it mean?

all this IFs
but no answer

everyone seems to be going
but i'm still here
anchored and mounted here
by unfulfilled promises

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

for once in three weeks
i felt my old friend back
name- emo -.-
it started on monday
and guess what
it's still on going
i'm so not happy about it
this is so unfair
seriously unfair
i couldnt even spend monday night properly with baby
i was troubled deep down inside
though i dont show it out to baby
to me seriously
i think it's affecting me and baby
the way i act and all
i wasnt even concentrating at work just now
i kept on thinking like how i used to think
things to do and all
what i want to do and all
affecting me in everyway
i'm sorry baby

Sunday, March 1, 2009

oh well
feel like i wasted my saturday for nothing
should have just gone to work in the evening
but oh well
atleast i went for dinner and coffee with brenda
my aunt came today with her family
dropped by for awhile before heading for a wedding
before that i went to ntuc
to get some stuff for her to bring home to my granny and my aunt
i bought them chocolates, sweets, chips
anyway went pastamani with brenda
had ceasar salad and spicy chicken
after that went starbucks to sit and chat
had java chip and no whip
brenda had white mocha, low fat, less sweet, EXTRA WHIP
oh well
so much for being healthy xD
i'm going to get stuff on monday
clean up my house tomorrow
also get stuff to cook
no more kah ching to always eat out xD
i miss my baby