Friday, March 6, 2009

woke up for breakfast with deb, wenqi and her friend this morning at mac
those three came from club hopping
deb was hyper as usual
the other two was puking or trying to puke
anyway we had chats and breakfast together
or atleast for some two people
puking and not puking xD
after they went home
i headed home to snooze as well
woke up around 2 ish
and had a call from jasmine
about my cheque arrival
and banking coz jasmine offered to help bank it in
with the request of a good friend sandy
i made an unwanted call
which had no pick up
which is good enough for me
since my good friends then said nevermind
went for dinner with cs and jy (:
had swensens
then went to catch he's just not that into you
nice show (:
nice show

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