Wednesday, July 22, 2009

sorry for the late entries this week
couldnt go online coz i wasnt in the mood
my week started off badly
i pushed my work from tuesday to monday morning
replacing roy till 6 on monday
i left house on 1130 am
and i was working at 1230
my dad was suppose to call me to let me know where we were going for dinner
so that i know where to go
he didnt, so i called him after work
and he tells me this
rasQ ran out
i totally flipped
went down to the atm to get cashed and cabbed home
damn ride cost 30 bucks and 45 minutes
by the time i reach back is like 650?
and she ran our like after 1130?
6 hours head start
i quickly rushed up to my house, hoping that it was a joke
when it wasnt, i changed into shorts and slippers immediately and started my search
i tried to cover as much ground as possible while there were still light
search from the estate beside mine all the way to the mrt station,
not knowing where she could have gone
first day no result
we stopped the search around 8
coz the sun is down
so we had dinner
a totally silent dinner
and after that
all i did was stare out of my house to the garden below hoping that someone found her and was searching for her owner as well by bringing her out for a walk
still nil
for once in dont know how long
i totally cried myself to sleep that night
what a cruel joke to me
coz my reason for not doing an overseas study is partly coz of rasQ
the next morning, tuesday
i just automatically got up at 8am
washed up and just left the house
continue to search
this time, up the blocks
on the 8/9/10 storey of my block
i heard a bark from the opposite block, around the same level as well
so i tried that block next
i found her there
she was found by the lady, ann
rasQ at that time, was chasing a group of malays and she was running in circles
big, big circles
i really have to thank God for letting me find her back again
i dont know what i'll do if i lose her

Saturday, July 18, 2009

yes! i finally got my laptop
white fujitse S6420
got it yesterday at funan
i dont know if it's cheap
but finally i got a laptop!!!
dad's back for a week i think
which is fine with me
since he got me the laptop
he's going to kL after that
then only heading back to hongkong
so far my next week's plan is...
monday nothing
tuesday maybe work
wednesday sending michelle off and maybe supper
thursday sending dad off and maybe work
friday maybe work
saturday paintball session
oh oh oh
and i have movie date with tan jin yan and ang minjia
harry potter
should go check up on that soon

zoee's getting sick soon!!!

and i so dont like people not replying messages

Sunday, July 5, 2009

i've been having a really bad week
broke down on wednesday
nearly broke down yesterday on the way home
over some news which i was prepared for
just that i was hoping i was wrong
and i was disappointed that i wasnt wrong
i had work from thursday till saturday
had dinner with jin yan and the rest on friday night
went for walks after that
monday and tuesday i had camp
and i fell in camp
scrapping my knee
the last time i had such a bad fall was like 2 years ago
it's not my week

maybe it's just the little liquid in my system
but this is for me to know
not for any one else to guess who i'm talking about
it's 20 minutes to midnight
20 minutes to your birthday
i dont know
things happen recently
and i really wished that you were still here
to share with me what you think
to be with me as i decide on the path to thread on
i really thought about being just a regular 21 year old
deciding with someone
how my life should be like
where should i go from here
it's been like 6 years?
coming 5 years atleast
and i'm still missing you
a lot

Friday, July 3, 2009

sucky day
tired from work
came home
checked my mails
and i have 380 to settle
inclusive of an additional 40 for late payment
what the hell
not my day
so not my day
my leg's still feeling weird at certain times
it's gonna leave a huge scar i think
as if me as a whole isnt scarred for life
tomorrow another working session
and limping for dinner
i'm damn tired of things going on and not going on right now

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

back after 2 days of camp
sunday had yl's chalet
had mahjong session most of the time
no money of course
i dont agree to gambling =x
monday was the first day of camp
this time was easier on me
coz there are 2 instructors per group
plus i fell and scrapped my knee
-.- lousy
oh well
currently limping on my right
it's been a while since i fell
hurts man
oh well
nothing really interesting happen through out the 2 days
so yeah
oh well
starting work tomorrow again
shall go play with rasQ later