Monday, August 3, 2009

i spend like 5 hours watching anime?
this is what i do for my rest day of the week?
omg man
tomorrow i'm doing full
oh by the way,
my cable digital box is toast
now i have to squeeze in a trip to the centre as well
my plan for wednesday and thursday changed as well
2 days only
atleast i get to see rasQ
oh well
still need to get other things done
michelle's not online now
so cant skpe her
i need to go sleep soon as well
need to wake up early for pcb before work
i'm still deciding what to do next week
mj's starting uni
i have to find my school
i have to decide what to do for the big day
also squeeze in time for steamboat shopping
cramped up schedule
i still need to get my psp settled
need more energy or more time!!!

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